TOPWAY TM035KDZ25-09 Compatible with TIANMA TM035KDH03-00
TIANMA TM035KDH03-00 is a popular 3.5" TFT LCD module in display market, and it is not easy to put hands on. So there are many copycats exist. Topway, as a professional TFT display solution provide, we invest on a Tianma made TFT display module TM035KDZ25-09, supplying our customers with an TFT LCD made by Tianma. Followings are the comparison between the two models:
1. Outline Compare
Based on their outline drawings, the two TFT LCD displays have the same outline dimention and thickness. Active Area are also the same.
<TOPWAY TM035KDZ25-09>
<TIANMA TM035KDH03-00>
2. FPC Terminal Compare
The FPC terminals have the same pin sequence and are physically compatible
<TOPWAY TM035KDZ25-09>
- 54pin FPC terminal
- Pitch 0.5mm
- Pin sequence
<TIANMA TM035KDH03-00>
- 54pin FPC terminal
- Pitch 0.5mm
- Pin sequence
3. Driver IC Compare
They are using the identical driver IC.
<TOPWAY TM035KDZ25-09>
- Driver IC: NV3035C
- Signal I/F: CCIR_656/601, 24bit/8bit_RGB(SYNC/DE)
<TIANMA TM035KDH03-00>
- Driver IC: NV30035C
- Signal I/F : CCIR_656/601, 24bit/8bit_RGB(SYNC/DE)
4. Circuit Power Supply Compare
There is only a minor difference on the operating range.
<TOPWAY TM035KDZ25-09>
- Supply Voltage = 4.0V (max.)
<TIANMA TM035KDH03-00>
- Supply Voltage = 5.0V (max.)
5. Device Power Supply Compare
There are the same.
<TOPWAY TM035KDZ25-09>
<TIANMA TM035KDH03-00>
6. LED Backlight Compare
Their backlights' electrical characters are the same and have the same life span.
TOPWAY_TM035KDZ25-09 provide 50,000hr life time
<TOPWAY TM035KDZ25-09>
<TIANMA TM035KDH03-00>
7. Timing Characteristics
As they are using the same IC, the speed and timing are the same.
<TOPWAY TM035KDZ25-09>
<TIANMA TM035KDH03-00>
- TOPWAY TM035KDZ25-09 can be a drop in replacement of TIANMA TM035KDH03-00 as they are totally compatible.
- Please refer their specification for further details
- For sample and further inquiry, please contact